A web enthusiast with creativity and usability.
I will work with you to create a website that is specifically designed to fit your goals.
In my free time, you can find me engrossed in books,
creating cool playlists,
or in a heated analysis session on your favourite sports podcast.
Here are some skills I've got.
Selected Projects I Have Worked On.
A fullstack web app for a restaurant that allows its customers place orders with a payment option using the stripe API. User authentication also enabled using JWT. It also features an admin panel for the management to update sits's content and also confirm payments
Stack/Tools: React, Tailwind CSS, Git, Vercel, django, postgreSql
A completely responsive music web app created using the Spotify API. It features a home page that displays the latest releases, a search page that enables users search and listen to songs and a library page that displays the user's playlists. PS To use the app you would have to login to your spotify account.
Stack/Tools: React, Tailwind CSS, Git, Vercel
What People Say.